

Oriented Object Programming - DS2015 - EX2016 - LAB2015
Operating System - DS2014 - EX2014 - HW2014 - Course
Mobile Developement - DS2015 - LAB1 - LAB2 - LAB3
UNIX - DS2014
Systems & Services Security:
Security Audit:
Computer Architecture: Course


lscan - A useful tool to identify libraries/functions inside stripped/statically linked binaries.

binviz - a novel reverse engineering tool which has capability to assist reverse engineers in analyzing and comprehending dynamic memory evolution of a program execution and to detect patterns, and outliers that are not obvious using non graphical forms of presentation.

binviz - Python binding for pin.

twistache - a proactive, client-side HTTP cache built on top of twisted framework. It acts as a proxy for the end-user’s browser to speed up the access to web content, improve response time and save bandwidth.

protectme - a context-aware usage control library for Android. It enables users to control the conditions with which outgoing information shall be managed by external service providers. This is realized by associating particular context-model and privacy policies to sensitive data, using the mobile framework.
