HackIt 2016: L4bR4t-France Reverse 375 writeup


In this task we were given a shared library “SecretLabXLib.so” and a zip file containing encrypted and plain jpeg files.

Task description:

There was some photos of unknown experiment taken in a secret lab-X for they internal archive. After that the device from which the shot was made, immediately load crypto-trigger, whose function – to ensure the confidentiality of image data (this is exactly how it should be in a super-secret laboratories?).

It is known that, due to some floating code errors, the trigger has not completed his work and not all the photos was encrypted.

We managed to get a binary, which has something to do with that crypto-trigger software.

And now we have a good chance to find out what secrets hides laboratory-X.

The first step I did is printing the symbol table of the shared library to figure out what functions are exported.

Analyzing the shared object

By running objdump -T I got mangled symbols name. De-mangling can be done using nm -C.
root@maro-vm:~/hackit/rev375# nm -C SecretLabXLib.so
... 0000000000001d0f T AddRoundKey(unsigned char (*) [4], unsigned int const*) 0000000000002b02 T MixColumns(unsigned char (*) [4]) 00000000000029c5 T InvShiftRows(unsigned char (*) [4]) 0000000000002419 T InvSubBytes(unsigned char (*) [4]) 000000000000186e T ccm_format_assoc_data(unsigned char*, int*, unsigned char const*, int) 00000000000035c5 T InvMixColumns(unsigned char (*) [4]) 000000000000174c T ccm_prepare_first_ctr_blk(unsigned char*, unsigned char const*, int, int) 0000000000001950 T ccm_format_payload_data(unsigned char*, int*, unsigned char const*, int) 00000000000019fb T SubWord(unsigned int) 00000000000017a9 T ccm_prepare_first_format_blk(unsigned char*, int, int, int, int, unsigned char const*, int) 00000000000014fd T xor_buf(unsigned char const*, unsigned char*, unsigned long) 0000000000001650 T SuperSecretLabCryptor2000::decrypt_cbc(unsigned char const*, unsigned long, unsigned char*, unsigned int const*, int, unsigned char const*) 0000000000001faa T SubBytes(unsigned char (*) [4]) 0000000000002888 T ShiftRows(unsigned char (*) [4]) 0000000000004fe0 r sbox 00000000000051e0 r gf_mul 00000000000050e0 r invsbox 0000000000004a48 T SuperSecretLabCryptor2000::decrypt(unsigned char const*, unsigned char*, unsigned int const*, int) 0000000000001554 T SuperSecretLabCryptor2000::encrypt_cbc(unsigned char const*, unsigned long, unsigned char*, unsigned int const*, int, unsigned char const*) 0000000000004498 T SuperSecretLabCryptor2000::encrypt(unsigned char const*, unsigned char*, unsigned int const*, int) 0000000000001284 T SuperSecretLabCryptor2000::init_iv() 00000000000011b0 T SuperSecretLabCryptor2000::SuperSecretLabCryptor2000() 0000000000001222 T SuperSecretLabCryptor2000::init_key() 00000000000012d0 T SuperSecretLabCryptor2000::CryptFile(char*) 0000000000001ad2 T SuperSecretLabCryptor2000::key_setup(unsigned char const*, unsigned int*, int) 00000000000011b0 T SuperSecretLabCryptor2000::SuperSecretLabCryptor2000() U operator new[](unsigned long)@@GLIBCXX_3.4
SuperSecretLabCryptor2000 class exports all methods requested to perform encryption/decryption.

It is obvious that CBC is used as mode of operation.

Still need to figure out what Cryptographic algorithm, Key length, IV and Key were used.

Before to go deeper in analysis, I would to like to mention at this level that the shared object is a white-box cryptography implementation.

How ? CryptFile method takes as argument only filename, no encryption key is specified. The key is instantiated at runtime.

What is white-box cryptography?

In few words, white-box cryptography is aimed at protecting secret keys from being disclosed in a software implementation.

The main idea is to rewrite a key-instantiated version so that all information related to the key is “hidden”.

More details in this paper: http://joye.site88.net/papers/Joy08whitebox.pdf

What encryption algorithm is implemented ?

By getting a look at substitution box (SBox) you can determine that it is related to AES.
unsigned char sbox[256] ={99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197, 48...};
What is the Key length ?

Can be determined by looking at CryptFile(char*) method disassembly. The key length is passed as argument to key_setup method.
mov ecx, 100h ; int
call __ZN25SuperSecretLabCryptor20009key_setupEPKhPji

The key length is 256 bits.

What are the initialization vector (IV) and the Key ?

To make life easier for me I chose to use the library to extract the (IV, Key) rather than reversing the key_init, iv_init and setup_key functions.

Following is general overview of the encryption process.

The constructor does the following operations:

-Initializes a timestamp attribute through time function.
-Initializes key attribute through init_key method. The timestamp attribute is used here to add randomness to resulted key.
-Initializes the IV attribute using init_iv method. IV depends on initialized key (xoring with first 16 bytes of key).

CryptFile method reads the provdied file and calls key_setup method. key_setup takes the initialized key and the key length as argument and generates the final key to be used in encryption.

The content encryption is done by invoking encrypt_cbc method which takes as argument, respectively, input buffer, buffer length, output buffer, key, key length and iv.

Finally the result is written back to the file.

To perform encryption, I wrote the following C code. It is based on the provided library. It simulates SuperSecretLabCryptor2000 object creation and calls the CryptFile method.

I did it with C not with C++ ! This is ugly but for sure there is a way to import a C++ class from a shared object and use it with no header file provided.

The code also prints out the Key and IV.

My solution
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> int main(int argc, char * * argv) { void * handle; char * error; handle = dlopen("./SecretLabXLib.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (!handle) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror()); exit(1); } dlerror(); void * obj = malloc(64); memset(obj, 0, 64); //uint32_t ts = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10); * (uint32_t * ) obj = 1466136077; /*time(0);*/ * (uint64_t * )(obj + 4) = 0; * (uint64_t * )(obj + 12) = 0; * (uint64_t * )(obj + 20) = 0; * (uint64_t * )(obj + 28) = 0; * (uint64_t * )(obj + 36) = 0; * (uint64_t * )(obj + 44) = 0; long( * init_key)(void * ); init_key = dlsym(handle, "_ZN25SuperSecretLabCryptor20008init_keyEv"); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error); exit(1); } ( * init_key)(obj); long( * init_iv)(void * ); init_iv = dlsym(handle, "_ZN25SuperSecretLabCryptor20007init_ivEv"); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error); exit(1); } ( * init_iv)(obj); //print Timestamp|Key|IV int i; for (i = 0; i < 52; i++) printf("\\x%02x", * ((char * )(obj + i)) & 0xff); printf("\n"); //crypt_file int( * crypt)(void * , char * ); crypt = dlsym(handle, "_ZN25SuperSecretLabCryptor20009CryptFileEPc"); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error); exit(1); } ( * crypt)(obj, "dat.2.jpg"); printf("[+] Done\n"); dlclose(handle); return 0; }

But stop ! how can you get the correct key to decrypt the pictures ? In other words, what is the value of the correct timestamp used to generate the correct key and iv ?

I assumed that the timestamp used to encrypt the files is simply the last modification time of the encrypted file !

By runnuing:
root@maro-vm:~/hackit/rev375# stat -c %Y *
1469990552 1469990552 1475262516 (plain)
1469990552 1469990552 1469990104 (plain)

All encrypted files have the same last modification time. Using 1469990552 in my C code does not give a valid (Key, IV) !

By opening a plain picture with a hex editor I noticed that there is Fri, 17 Jun 2016 04:01:17 as creation date in exif metadtas in addition to XCryptoPicture as software.
root@maro-vm:~/hackit/rev375# date -d "Fri, 17 Jun 2016 04:01:17" +"%s"

Running the the code with 1466128877 timestamp gave the same encrypted header as the other encrypted pictures. It is the good one !

The correct key and iv are printed also.

Finally put all together in one python script.
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
key = "\x49\xa5\xe7\x43\xe7\xfb\x05\xef\x88\x4c\x8c\x52\x7b\x61\x9c\x7c\x6b\xe1\x83\xd1\x5b\x46\x97\x48\x50\x98\x65\xbc\x3f\xa7\x70\x68"
IV="\x22\x44\x64\x92\xbc\xbd\x92\xa7\xd8\xd4\xe9\xee\x44\xc6\xec\x14" mode = AES.MODE_CBC with open("dat.1.jpg", 'rb') as cimg:
with open("dat.1.p.jpg", 'wb') as pimg:
decryptor = AES.new(key, mode, IV=IV) img = decryptor.decrypt(cimg.read()) pimg.write(img)
Now we are able to decrypt the jpeg files and see the flag.

flag: h4ck1t{CrYp70_3xxP3R1m3N75_VV0n7_4LVV4Y5_3ND_VV3ll}

Cheers :D